Apparently men and women are not that different after all. In fact, the sexes are so similar that women have to fight their entire lives just to remain women — at least on the genetic level.
Remember this study was done on mice…people ain’t mice. Also, as reported by there’s nothing in the study that suggest a genetic way to go from M2F. According to the journal Cell, which published the results of the study, researchers “switched off” the FoxL2 gene which works by suppressing a male gene, Sox9. When the female suppressor goes away the male gene asserts itself, signaling overian cells to become types normally found in the testes. The female began to produce equivilant amounts of testosterone as normal male mice. The studies authors’ think the data might be a step in explaining transsexualism.
It’s still very speculative, but it’s possible that this approach could produce an alternative to surgery and the removal of gonads — ovaries and testes. ~ Co-author Robin Lovell-Badge